They Never Proved me Guilty

I awoke in the night and realised I had been dreaming about the Polish girl, Kasia.

I was out of the dream but I could still hear her voice in my head and I went downstairs and  I wrote down what it said.

its not the same light in the morning

they do not feel things the same as we do

there is no warmth in the stare they give me

I am an interloper

they paid me little wages

these are hard mercenary people

I can trick them, flatter them – they like that

but I longed to go home

one of them I hated most of all

she was my rival – we have to fight for our men, destroy our rivals, that’s life

I thought he was just tricking her, but then I ceased to trust him

perhaps he planned to leave me

so I watched her, saw her leave her house in her little red car

I worked hard to persuade him, talked to him about going home, buying a little house

why should I care about the parents, I don’t know them?

I told him she was just using him

I saw him become cold, hard, sensible again, start thinking again about how to make this all work, to think about the part he had to play

and still they can prove nothing, they found us guilty without proof

they do not know for sure who killed her, who drove the car to the place, who set it alight

they just said we were guilty because they hated us, but they had no proof, I thought a court needed proof